




deriving ideas, style, or taste from a broad and diverse range of sources.

"universities offering an eclectic mix of courses"



denoting or belonging to a class of ancient philosophers who did not belong to or found any recognized school of thought but selected doctrines from various schools of thought.


Eclectic Body Art & Healing Studio is a brand new shop located in the smallest town, in the smallest county, of the smallest state.

We are of the three, women-owned tattoo studios in the heart of beautiful, historic, Warren RI.

We aim to provide a clean, comfortable, & friendly environment for our clients. While also creating the best artwork we can, for you!

We offer many services including custom tattoos, hypoallergenic piercings, & scar resurfacing… but that’s not all!

Scroll down to see everything we offer!


  • Owner, Tattoo Artist, Body Piercer

    Chrystal Santos

    Chrystal has been Tattooing since 2016, & Body Piercing since 2017. She knew she wanted to be a tattoo artist when she saw her mom get her first tattoo… it was love at first sight for this childhood artist!

  • Tattoo Artist

    Shyanne Robberson

    Shyanne is an incredible artist, ever since she was a kid; and she sure has a way with her tattoo machines! Shyanne is a second generation tatto artist in her family! She has a very eclectic style, ranging from dark & creepy, to anime, to fine-line tattoos!

  • Tattoo Apprentice

    John Marcus

    John has always had his artistic eye, interested in anything that inspires his eclectic heart. He loves geometric, & sacred geometry designs. But also has his hands in many other styles! John is a very talented artist, in so many ways!

  • Tattoo Apprentice

    Victoria Alden

    Victoria got her degree in printmaking, and it really shows in her tattoos. Victoria has a whimsical style. She loves adding textures that are reminiscent of lino-style printmaking. She is a ‘Jill’ of many trades!

  • Scar Recovery, 3D Nipple Reconstruction, Tattoo Artist

    Olivia Gramolini

    Olivia is one-of-a-kind. She is incredibly talented with her tattoo machine. She does so many things like: regenerating scar-tissue for reconfiguring scars, to creating 3D nipple tattoos… & Olivia also does fine-line tattoos!

  • Body Piercing Apprentice

    Caity Imondi

    Caity has always had a love for the modification world. She had a burning desire to become a professional body piercer, & we think she is a great fit here at EBA! We will keep everyone updated about when she will be starting!

Our Services


Do you have a tattoo idea in your head that you just need out?

We can help you with that.

Did you see some art online that’s inspiring your new tattoo?

We can make it come to life for you.

Did you spot a design by one of us that you just neeed on your body?!

We are the artists for you!

Click the link below to start your new tattoo journey!

** Note: Tattoo prices vary depending on size, detail, the area being tattooed, & how well someone can sit for a tattoo. We can provide a price range before your appointment, but we may not know the exact price until the end. If you provide a budget number for your tattoo, we can aim to stay within that price.


Do you have a tattoo that you absolutely hate? Or just want to make it better?

And you’ve already been to multiple tattoo studios & asked if it was possible to get it covered… but they tell you its not possible, you should spend $1000s on multiple laser removal sessions, before it’s even light enough to get it covered…

Chrystal is highly experienced with complicated cover-ups.

Click the link below to set up an in-person, or video-chat consultation!


You may ask, what are hypoallergenic piercings? And what makes it better? Well, a lot of people now-a-days are even slightly allergic to certain metals; and 99% of the time the culprit is nickel. It is found in many ‘mystery metals’, including surgical stainless steel.

We use titanium jewelry for all of our piercings, unless you pick something else! Titanium is most commonly used in surgeries today, because our bodies are not likely to reject titanium.

Every piercing comes with jewelry included in the price, or we have some more options for jewelry upgrades! We even have jewelry in store, for purchase after your piercing is healed!


Ear styling has grown in popularity over the years; especially in big cities like New York & Los Angeles.

But who said we New Englanders can’t have beautifully curated ear piercings too?!

Well here at EBA our head piercer, & shop owner, will take a photo of your ear; & then photoshop different earrings onto the photo of your ear.

This will help you decide what you like, before you fully commit to the piercings.

Then, any piercing you get from the ear styling will be discounted $10 (discount applied same day only)


For years, many people believed that tattooing over scars can cause more problems to the area.

That is a myth.

Micro-needling is a technique used to re-surface traumatized skin on our bodies. Even some of the deeper scars, that humans may endure in life: like a C-Section, surgery scars, stretch marks, and even burn scars.

No need to cover them with tattoos that you don’t want, just try a few sessions of Microneedling & you will notice a difference! This service comes with optional numbing cream.

Olivia is our Microneedling specialist, aiming to make you love your body, at least a little more!


This is a big reason why we call our shop a ‘Healing Studio’.

Of course any tattoo experience can be a very healing moment; but when someone loses their breasts/nipples to cancer, a botched surgery, or from top surgery, etc…

When our artist Olivia provides them with a new set of nipples, isn’t just for aesthetic purposes.

They are getting back a very sensitive piece of them that was taken away, often times during a very traumatic experience. This service we provide is so fulfilling in so many ways.

This service comes with optional numbing cream.

We are also looking for reference pictures of any & all types of nipples, so that our clients can pick their desired size & shape that best fits their chest. If you feel comfortable or drawn to helping this cause, click the provided link below! Reference photos will remain completely anonymous!



While you’re in the shop, come check out our Art Gallery!

We love art of all kinds, & we are looking for new artists to feature!

If you, or someone you know is an artist that would be interested in being in our gallery, click the link below!

Past Events:


July 8th & 9th 2023

Upcoming Events:


FRIDAY, OCTOBER 13th ~ 12pm-9pm

TUESDAY, OCTOBER 31st ~ 12pm-9pm

Eclectic body art and healing studio bag merch Rhode island



Give the Gift of Art

Stuck on what to get that person for their birthday/holiday/anniversary?

Anyone who has a tattoo or piercings] in mind, would gladly receive a gift card towards their next appointment!

Make it easy on yourself, choose to get it mailed to you for free!

446 Main Street
Warren, RI 02885


Sunday: 12pm ~ 6pm

Monday: 12pm ~ 6pm

Tuesday: 12pm ~ 6pm

Wednesday: 12pm ~ 6pm

Thursday: 3pm ~ 6pm

Friday: 3pm ~ 6pm

Saturday: 12pm ~ 6pm

(401) 561 ~ 0444


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